Ahhh the genealogical Pie family, the tried and true rock farmers!Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz Pie: The head of the Pie Rock Farm, coming from long Amish-style lineages of rock farmers and miners. As tradition, they were chosen by the herd of the clan to marry and carry on with success (whilst looking at their families’ backgrounds and businesses). They had an arranged marriage and settled near the town of Rockville- which was rich in minerals to collect and sell. They’re marriage was rocky (haha) at first because of hardly knowing each other- but over the years, they tackled the course of getting to know each other as they worked hard, establishing a barely spoken but deep love and respect for each other- intertwined like the vines of Everfree. Their relationship continued to grow once they began raising children, 3 biological and 1 adopted. To this day they are still soft spoken, and speak old Ponish (old English- like saying “thee” and “ye” and “lo”), but they are doing well.
Limestone Pie: The oldest of the 4 daughters. She’s cocky and hard working, and looks forward to taking over the rock farm some day. She can be seen as quite brash most of the time, but behind that bold curtain is someone who is very wise and understanding of the world, even if she hasn’t travelled around a lot, and usually teaches her younger siblings life lessons and supports em through thick and thin.
Dr. Maud (Maudileena Daisy) Pie: The second oldest of the 4 daughters. She’s big, and can break a boulder in half with her impeccable speed and quick mining hooves, especially when a friend or family member is in danger. She is a graduated college student and a proud geologist, mining and researching minerals and gems in caves near Ponyville.
Marble (Marbline (Marble-een) Ellen) Pie: The youngest of the 4 daughters. She’s the smallest of the family, and she doesn’t speak much at all, but even with her shyness and bashfulness, she has a big heart- and is very expressive through body and facial language. She’s really good with a pick-axe and works right along side her sister, Limestone to continue errands on the farm. She’s also a very good listener in conversation, and surprisingly comforting if she is used to a certain person- and may actually warm up enough to speak, though it is a very soft voice.
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