Me: Okay for the revamped verse i’m going to try to make things a little bit more canon
bUT let’s do at least a crackship because whY <span class="caps">NOT</span>?~
https://www.deviantart.com/bunnari/art/New-Mane-6-ships-855367752 so here i stated that AJ and Rainbow are not dating, but Rainbow was the donor for one of AJ’s kids and they are super close because of that, here are their current partners!
Thunderlane and Rainbow love to tease each other out because Rainbow is technically Thunder’s boss, but they really love each other, in fact Thunderlane got this big crush on her since he saw her at the academy, and maybe asked Scoots to help him ask her out on a date.
AJ and Tree Hugger, Tree helps her poor workaholic wife relax after a long day at the apple field, and she is great with plants, she does yogas class at Sweet Apple Acres when its not bucking season~
not provided yet