A small firefight between some ponies out in the wasteland.
Arguably continuation of this image. A few days ago it was ShiftTGC’s birthday. I promised him I’d make some art and so this is the result. I managed to convince him that I completely forgot to do it and sent him a 5 minute meme drawing. He believed the lie and his other friend set this as his desktop background while he wasn’t looking. He sure was surprised when he minimized to desktop.
I’ve been continuing practicing with my graphics tablet with my daily sketches and at this point I think I’m fully transitioned out of mouse. Mouse served me well but it just is a plain downgrade. Don’t get me wrong you can make great stuff no matter the tool, but that doesn’t mean that some tools aren’t better than others. If you ever feel like you can’t draw or that you need better tools I encourage you to just try. Be committed and put in the time and you will succeed, no matter how you feel right now. Don’t get discouraged if it looks like you’re not making progress. Progress is slow, trust me. Please just try things you are interested in and don’t let doubt get in your way. I’ve seen too many people give up too early or not even give an attempt because “I could never do that”. There will always be people who appreciate what you make, even if you yourself may not like the quality of your work.
If you are interested, here is the <span class="caps">GIMP</span> 2 source file.
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