Here’s the result of this <span class="caps">YCH</span> :iconkhaki-cap: made some months ago. And the final result of it looks good, i think.
On the left, we got Mythic Majestic
The middle is mr. thicc jean butt :iconkhaki-cap:
and on the far right, :iconkoopakid17: KoopaKid17 ‘s Garnet Razor.
Followed by the following story written by me:
“Two sweaty bois tired and hot from working out in the Canterlot gym coming across one of the many royals of Equestria. Though much to Khaki’s pleasure it twas the striped and extra thicc presence of a certain zeeb alicorn pony that got his attention. Though today Mythic had a bit more confidence in her this time with her Starlight and Rarity components seeking to exercise themselves. Thus giving Mythic a rather teasing and sassy behavior as she strolled by the two exhausted stallions on her way to whatever she sought to start her routine with.”
not provided yet