Loose Leaf — Son of Fluttershy and Tree HuggerSpecial Talent: Brewing, creating teas
Also brews hallucinogenic teas
Weed Expert, excellent baker and maker of edibles
Early riser, gets up by 4am every morning
Reads Tarot Cards himself, spends a lot of time researching new ways to channel energy and tell the future.
Heterosexual, Biromantic
A big old stupid romantic idiot, trips over his hooves when he has a crush
Sometimes doesn’t bathe which pisses off Fluttershy. Tree Hugger doesn’t really care.
Whelp here’s the first new character of my reboot/rewrite/rewhatever of my second gen universe.I love love love the Tree Hugger / Fluttershy pairing cuz it’s adorable. Two soft girls who have tea and garden and snuggle among the trees.
They have 2 kids: Loose Leaf and…a daughter who totally has a name.
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