During one of the more recent chapters of the fanfiction, Sombra rediscovers a creature called the Crystal Bard (From the <span class="caps">MLP</span> <span class="caps">IDW</span> comic “Friends Forever #4” about Twilight and her brother), which he had previously been something of a bully towards. Trying to talk to it doesnt go well, it only stops panicking when it sees the leg-band, its fears beaten by curiosity…
After defending the timid little creature from being attacked, he finally gets the oppertunity to offer an apollogy, and is surprised when it not only accepts it, but offers up a friendly paw. The little statue the Bard holds was a gift from Sombra, made of the same jewel as the stone in the band around his leg that so fascinated the bard when he bumped into it! And yes im aware it resembles a parrot. I cant DO birds lol…Although Bards are famed for being excellent storytellers, this one finds Sombras voice quite interesting, and during a free afternoon, Sombra finds himself reading the Bards faveourite book to him .
Drawing the bard was difficult, as theres only a few references of his entire body in the comic, so i did the best i could! =)
This <span class="caps">SHOULD</span> have been finished days ago, but an unfortunate bout of food poisoning has had me feeling like crap. Even now, my stomach still hurts and i cant eat much at all….T__T Im <span class="caps">STILL</span> feeling strung out…
<span class="caps">MLP</span> © Hasbro/Faust
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