“Let his luminance fill you with strength! Claim all in the name of King Sombra!
“Our King will turn this land and all who dwell in it into a paradise of crystal and light!”
The envoys of the Crystal King made their arrival to Equestria in a terrifying fashion; launching a sneak attack on Canterlot and converting all those that couldn’t escape into new minions for King Sombra, most notably Princess Celestia. With the Nightmare Shield cutting them off from the Crystal Empire, Shining Sombra and Crystalance have become the leading figures for the new Crystal Kingdom. They fight against the forces of chaos, the Equestrian Empire, and from Nightmare Moon herself from within their crystal keep desperately trying to break the shield and let in the hordes of the Crystal King.
Soooooooo, since youse guys liked the Chaos lords, and the fact that these two have barely had any screen time, I’ve started on a new pic for the Crystal Kingdom.
not provided yet