Melody: Chaos, can you feel it? Our boy’s kicking.
Chaos: Yeah, he is.
Melody: I think he’s going to be as active as you are.
Chaos: I do hope so, Melody.
Fifteen years later…
Chaos: How are the quints doing, Melly?
Melody: They’re still so active. Just like our first boy, our twins, our triplets and our quads.
Chaos: Our kids are somewhat active, don’t you think?
Melody: Yeah [giggles] Boy, I like how I’m getting more and more gravid the more times I get pregnant.
XX years later…
Chaos: Are you alright, Melly? You don’t seem to feel tired from carrying twenty babies inside you…
Melody: I’m alright. Boy, they’re just as active as our children before they’re born. Maybe it’s been a while since I’m pregnant and that I’m pregnant with this amount, their combined similar rate of movement makes my womb being the most active home they’ve ever had.
Chaos: You really are a determined lady.
Melody: Of course I am! After all, who’s been growing up together since childhood? Besides, Mom and Aunt Cadance went through this, too. I’m already feeling confident looking forward to the day I’m giving birth, along with Flurry Heart.
Chaos: Heh, that’s the Melly I know. Say, I’m wondering. Are you looking forward to being like this again? I don’t know for me, given my own age…
Melody: Aw, we’ll see about it. I want to treasure this pregnancy of mine before I’ll think of being pregnant like this again…
She was supposed to draw Chaos as a middle-aged man in the final panel but eh
Also she isn’t used to drawing the accurate style. Next one up will be done in her style
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