Me and :iconklawiee: are finally making a next gen together! Since we both watched Trolls: World Tour yesterday together, I got the idea of the kids of mane 6 having musically related talents. I adore all of these kids very much, I think Klaw did absolutely amazing on the three and I’m super excited to work more with her and this next gen!Nightlife
-The youngest daughter of Queen Twilight Sparkle and Duchess Vinyl Scratch and a DJ!Corondum “Maud” Quartz
-The oldest, and one of twins, daughter of Octavia Melody and Pinkie Pie, specializing in rock music.Love Poem
-The only son of Feather Bangs and Rarity Belle and a poet.Guineafowl Smith
-The only son of Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash, also a country artist!Mockingbird
-The oldest son of Torch Song and Fluttersh, also a rapper!Autumn Symphony
-The only child of Coloratura and Applejack, also a musical theater actor.
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