ask-falsafa said:
Snuggling is wonderful, but it is time to get up and embrace the day. You should help Crystal Charm pack up and re-equip your equipment. Don’t forget to release the firefly from the lantern!
After some yawning and stretching, you and Crystal Charm slide out of bed, and retrieve your belongings from the chest.
You equip Star Hairpin, Lens of Honesty, Studded Armour, Trailblazer’s Saddlebags, and 4 Brass Horseshoes.
As you begin to retrace your steps in the forest, you release the firefly from your lantern.
Your Old Lantern is now empty.
Crystal Charm: “So, slept well?”
You tell Crystal Charm that you can’t remember the last time you slept this well.
Crystal Charm: “Say, you don’t share your bed often, do you?”
You ask her what gave it away.
Crystal Charm: “Your flank says you usually travel to places other ponies don’t. Oh, speaking of which, if you like getting physical, you should make some more friends while you’re in town. There’s plenty of love in Hoofington to go around!”
You say that you’ll keep that in mind, and ask her if she has a lot of friends.
Crystal Charm: “It’s hard not to when you’ve lived here for so long. Nopony’s ever come with me into the forest at night before, though – not even my own brother – so it was fun having somepony coming along for a change.
But now, we’ve got to catch some breakfast, then I have to set up shop. How about you? Did you have any plans for the day?”