Because of a broken nose, he could only breathe through his mouth. It was … unpleasant.
The old, smelly rag did not freshen the air entering his lungs at all. Pain clouded over the mind of the young pegasus.
“Hmphm …” – He stirred slightly. Bound hooves hurt a lot, but fear overshadowed pain. Now he was in a dark basement, tied up with a gag in his mouth. No chance of escape. From afar, soft clatter of hooves and muffled voices of his captors can be heard.
Here is one of them opens door leading to basement. Pegasus fearfully huddles in a corner, looking angrily at his enemy.
- Sorry, kid. They won’t pay a ransom for you.
Lips black unicorn’s curled into a grin.
- But maybe you yourself will try to buy your life?