thunderlane and cloudchaser
I have to fix this for my next kids one but Thunderlane Married Chouldchaser and not flitter. I have it somewhere on accident as flitter.
Thunderlane and Cloudchaser have always been close friends. From you ponies to adults they have always really enjoyed each other’s company. Flitter was often caught up in this mess too. Thunderlane has dated both Cloudchaser and flitter. Flitter was the mare he dated in his youth while he would go on to marry Cloudchaser.
flurry heart sacrifice
So in one of my headcanons the reason that flurry hearts is an alicorn is because she was born with the purposes she was meant to fill. Flurry would make a massive sacrifice to save her home that she doomed. Scarfing something for the greater good isn’t always easy but it;s needs to be done.
Sister rivalry
These three have a lot of unsettled business. No donut that they have a live hate relationship. Jasmin out of the three is the one who is always being nitpicky. She has to point out flaws in everything no matter what. If something doesn’t make sense or doesn’t fit she will say it.
Faye now fair winds.scoot and terramar
I gave Faye a new look since I wasn’t a fan of her original one. Fair winds sometimes still goes by faye and a nickname. Fair Winds has a short stocky build, I gave her a more erthpony build,that being a bit bigger than normal. Fair Wind is about a few inches smaller than the average mare height. She is still fun loving and kind. She is still the life of the party.
Witches on the east end
Zecora’s family still has a reputation. Spooky ponies with evil magic. A rumor had been spreading. If you wander into the very free forste and find a cabin, beware. There are dangerous ponies inside who would totutere you. Even Though they dislike the rumors because they are not true, Zecora counsel;’t help but indulge in it every now and then. Every year on nightmare night Zecora and her family woudc creepy wonder ponyville and scare ponies.
family chit chat
Texas was Never really against the ideas of having siblings but he wasn’t all for it either. Rainbow Dash and Applejack tried to tell him to him carefully and east but it didn’t really work. Texas’ mind was blown and he could not stop asking questions. He was so curious about siblings and how to be a good brother. Even when Applejack would be tirelessly working in the field, anytime Texas would cheerfully waddly up to her with questions,She could never dismiss him. During Dashie’s pregnancy she just became 10x more lazy than before.
deep dark lonel some
Feeling like you mean nothing and are nothing. Fitting into a world that doesn’t seem to be the one you want to live in is hard. Sometimes you really really like an outcast in a world that is supposed to welcome and love you.
8 flirtatious babe
Being a child of a rich and powerful couple is really something that some ponies love to brag about. Especially when there is a cut stallion involved. From a young age both Amethyst and Opal were taught to hold their heads up high and keep their mouths shut. That their money would be the thing that would take them places.
So relax with me
Aqaurius had this weird habit of cradling her big brother whenever he got too stressed or angry.
Aquarius gave Apollo a big smile. She placed the coffee mug on the table and looked at him. “So tell me what is really on your mind. You have been so distant.” Apollo gave Aquarius a pathetic grin. “So not true. I am fine.” He looked down to see his reflection in his coffee. His smile slowly faded away as his reflection stared back at him. “Just stressed ia all.” His voice gave way and he spoke. Aquarius looked at him for a moment. She chuckled as she rose from the couch. “You know what this means” Apollo’s ear went flat against his head as he realised what was going on. AQaurius embraced her big brother in a tight hug. “Let go!” His voice was cracking and was now really shaky. Aquarius held on. Not letting her grip go“Let..” Apollo finally gave in letting himself cry a bit. Aqarius grinned. “See.”She said softly. Apollo gave her an annoyed yet playful stare. “I hate you so much.”
Nectarine pavlova redesign
It was about time that I gave her an official redesign. I loved her design for so long but wanted to update it. To me her mane color was a little too dark and I wanted it lighter.
So sexy so hot
Sonambula never really realised how hot she thought Flash was.
Sonambula smiled as she reached for her bag. “I’ll be heading to the gym to get my things.” Sonambula quickly jogged off to the gym to get her dumbbells when she heard someone working out. She quickly pushed open the door to see Flash magnus lifting weights in his all beautiful glory. Sonambula stopped and stared at him for a long while. Her heart was racing so fast. Had he always been this hot? Flash turned around in shock. “Oh hey.” He flipped his hair back and smiled. “ Didn’t see you there.” Flash looked at sonambula. He gave a light chuckle. He stood up from the chair and slightly flexed. He laughed. “Your quiet sight is all.” Sonamblua blushed.