<span class="caps">FROZEN</span> <span class="caps">LIGHTNING</span>
Family: Rainbow Dash (Mother) Soarin (Father) Fire Bolt (Sister) Scootaloo (Aunt) Rumble (Uncle) Lightning Streak (Cousin) Sweet Sunrise (Cousin) Igneous (Best Friend)
Frozen Lightning’s cutie mark is a blackthunder cloud with gray lightning shooting out of it. He is exceptional at flying long distances at great speeds, and can do tricks in the air. Most of the mares in Ponyville find him extremely attractive.
Frozen Lightning was the second-born foal to Rainbow Dash and Soarin, and he looks more like his father. His purple streaks in his mane come from Rainbow Dash, and he acts with the same confidence as her. Most ponies call him “Froz,” but Butterfly has called him “Freezy” on more than one occasion, which he finds insulting and demeaning. He walks with a bit of a swagger, and generally acts cool to new ponies (which the mares find hot for some reason…). However, once he has gotten to know somepony, Froz become much warmer, though he does play a few minor pranks on them to see how they will react.
He, like his older sister, used to hang out with Golden Russet and Red Delicious all the time when they were younger, but now there is a weird rivalry thing going on (only the twins and Froz really know what’s going on), and all everypony else knows is that they do not hang out anymore. However, Froz became very good friends with Igneous, one of the Pie triplets, and they often go on adventures together. These adventures usually end with Rainbow Dash and Soarin looking all over town for them, and they get yelled at a bunch (Pinkie does not really care, seeing as how her triplets gained part of her sense, and Igneous has a perfect sense of direction).
Froz and Fire Bolt often fight, which Rainbow encourages (to a limit), as she believes that it is a healthy way to get aggression out.