From source
*The brightest star in the sky.*Okay so, I have my fair share of shippings here in this fandom.
And when it comes to the Mane 6, I ship nearly all of them with
some character. The only exception though was Twilight. Sure
there is the popular pairing with Flash Sentry, And for awhile
I supported that ship as well. I have nothing against it still, but
it does nowadays come across as your typical fairy tale pairing:
A princess, and a knight. Again, not that there’s anything wrong
with that, but, I prefer something a little more interesting.Which brings me to the character that I do ship Twilight with:
Star Tracker, from the Once Upon A Zepplin episode. Now why
these two? Well honestly I just think it’s cute. Star Tracker is clearly
a huge fan of Twilight (Even though his behavior can come off as rather
creepy), and Twilight warms up to him after awhile. But I also like
the symbolism. Given his name and cutie mark, I can assume that
Star Tracker is an astronomer? He probably watches and studies
stars for a living, while Twilight is somewhat themed after a star.
I imagine him star gazing one night to find what he thinks is a
shooting star or comet, but is actually Twilight, admiring her
as she flies by.Once again, I think it’s really cute, one of the less conventional ships.