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Stash link for each individual pic
Velvet Gloom and Painted Lilly: Smooz
Jade the Pegasus: Jade da Pegasus
Lucky Charm: Mr.LuckyCharm
Axl and Speedy Moon: Darktailsko
Opacity: tinyfruitbat
Apple Needle: NeedleApple
Fox Glove and Amber Glow: Krickis
Crystal Splash and Amethyst Melody: Creativepony7
Darkknighthoof: DarkKnightHoof
Devulsa: flipwix
Silly Scribe: Warc9
Giggle and Frizz: greenArsonist
Gusty Gale: Jarkes
Windy Barebow Evergreen and Marquis Majordome: Supermark
Mish-Mash and Elizabat Stormfeather: Me
Liz: Lisazul9
Gerbera: mjangelvortex
Sharps Eye and Paladin Colt: Paladin-Colt
Badgering Badger: BadgingBadger
Qilala and Rainbow Noir: LiaAqila
Sapphire and Valkiria: Valkiria
Lennon Black: LennonBlack
Wave Tech: Wave Tech
Scarlet Havoc: Setsugekka
Adda and Effie: Elberas
Rain Sunburst and Firestorm Sympathy: Rain Sunburst
Saber: Oyks
Nyx, Snowdrop, Cream Heart and Littlepip belongs ot their respective owners
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