Welcome to the Hopeverse, an alternative Universe 30 years after the end event of the show, despite the show’s ending; most of it is not canon to this universe and prefers to take an alternative route in Headcanons/fanfiction, Other Media and/or inspirations and the comics.
Follow this universe’s M6, who could be said that come from the oddest of places: a Dragon Hafling named Aurelian, A ex-military doctor named John, two adopted siblings that barely know how this world works (named Kieran and Burning Splendor) and an ownerless Homunculus doll who claims his name is Alexander. Together they’ll fight Evil and injustice…..as longs they get along first.
Second Focus of this Universe is Cantelot: the Capital City of Equestria where Students of the C.M.S (Canterlot/Celestia’s Magic School for the Gifted) are the Focus…but don’t be fooled; it’s not only the snobby Rich slackers of students that go there that get the spotlight, no, the students of humble beginnings also get recognition, namely three Unicorns: Moonlight Shine, Misty Glider and Sunrise Spirit; three friends struggling to keep themselves afloat in the popularity contest that is the School.
Season 1 Episode 1 and 2: “Pandora’s Box part 1“
cast: Twilight Sparkle (main), Burning Splendor (Main), Alexander (Main/secondary), Kieran (Main), Aurelian Honor (main/secondary), Mint Gummy (Main/Secondary), John Apple (Secondary), Decade (mentioned), Tempest Shadow (Secondary), Gaston (Tertiary), Jose (Secondary), Accalia (Secondary), TBA (Background), Triumph Call (background), Extras (Background)
Plot: We get a little Introduction to our Main characters, then we Cut to an overworked and stressed Twilight dealing with the loss of the Elements; until one of her junior guards tells her there are lights and noises coming from one of the closed rooms. the Room being the Map Room, Twilight Becomes hopeful/Over-exited for the first time and Immediately form a team to locate and bring back safe these creatures, the Team being Tempest Shadow and Gaston (pair 1), Accalia and Jose the Griffin (Pair 2) and TBA and Triumph call (pair 3). the three pairs travel across Equestria and beyond (except for TBA and Triumph who just stay in town trying to find John and Minty) while the others struggle to convince and find the rest of the elements.
the first episode ends with the Six main characters meeting, with disastrous results of the meeting.
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It was a busy day in Sugarcube corner, The cakes and their Workers were Running Frantically, Triumph was told at the door that they were preparing the desserts for a wedding, and as he was walking up to the counter when he heard:
<del>No, No, no!, the Fondant is supposed to be Orange and White!, The Bride asked for that specifically!It’ll RUIN THE AMBIENCE OTHERWISE!!</del>
One of the Workers Yelled From the Kitchen, Triumph Didn’t know why but that voice sounded familiar.
Suddenly; Triumph’s train of thought was interrupted by a voice: – Hello and Welcome to Sugrcube corner: “Ponyville’s Sweetest Bakery”, My name is Spiderweb Cake, How can I help you.”
Triumph Looked Up, the voice belonged to a mare, light pinkish coat and Red pinkish mane that was tied in a poofy ponytail. Her attire looked like a crudely stitched Halloween costume, Full of patches of different colors to the original cloth: red just like her mane. Her Cutie Mark; though not entirely visible from Triumph’s angle, seemed to be a white cake with something black at its a side, He guessed it was probably a spiderweb.
-“Uh, Yes, I’m coming on behalf of Dutchess Twilight Sparkle” – he said
-“Really?” she said with excitement.
-“A-are you being Sarcastic Miss”
-“No not at all, why do you ask?”
-“It’s Quite obvious”
-“is it?” she said with genuine confusion
-“umm, anyway I’m here on behalf of the Dutchess to….”
-“oh I know, She orders Donuts from here daily”
-“But I’m not here for….”
-“Hey Ocean!!, we got a delivery of Donuts for Mrs. Twilight!!”
Subsequently, a White unicorn Atheon with a blue and purple mane came through the kitchen doors, Now he knew why it sounded familiar: he was one of the Dutchess Students, this must be a side job of his. Ocean was covered in what Triumph could only assume was white and Orange fondant and had a displeased look on his face.
-“NOW?!?!, but, But I have to fix the Wedding cake for the…..”
-“No buts Mr. Ocean Pudding, this is for the Dutchess and remember. she’s your teacher as well so don’t be Lazy, OK!!“
She turned back to Triumph as Ocean went back to the kitchen.
-“They’ll be done in an hour, I can serve you a coffee if you want”
Triumph thought about Waiting and coming later to ask about the elements, but he didn’t want to be the last one in bringing them in, so with a glow of courage he said:
-“Listen, by ANY chance started to glow in this building?”
She shook her head with a Dejected look on her face.
-“No, no that Anyone here has told me, Sadly I wouldn’t notice something like that either”
<del>“What do you mean?”</del> he said raising an eyebrow
Still looking dejected, she knelled down behind the counter and raised up again to show Triumph a Long Stick, usually the type that the disabled used; yet this one had the shape of a candy cane -“I’m Blind Sweetheart” – she finally said -“Omygosh, I’m so so sorry, please forgive me,” he said, trying not to cry -“It’s Okay, I’m sort of used to it…… Hey, you should talk to Mint Gummy” -“Who? what are you talking about” -“Mint Gummy, She’s one of our best candy makers, and she’s been in the basement since 5 AM and hasn’t been up here since, My guess is that if somepony’s glowing it must be her”
After a few steps down, He could tell that Miss Spiderweb was right, as there was a bright white light coming from the gap between the door and the floor, and when he opened it he was almost blinded for a second before his eyes were adjusted again to the light in the room, in it, Triumph saw a Glowing Mare, who was singing and whislting the following tune:
“Just whistle while you work
And cheerfully I’ll wait so this glow can go away
So hum a merry tune
It won’t take long since there’s a song to help it go away
And as you’re making sweets
just think that the glow
Is sending someone in their way and they’ll sing along too
When Noon is high the time will fly so whistle while you work”
<del>“Miss Mint Gummy I believe”</del> he finally said.
-“Oh, I guess you have come because I’m Glowing, It was only a matter before authorites came busting throught that door am I right?” she said with a smile as she poured half a bag of sugar in the mixer.
-“Yes, Yes, I guess you’re right”
-“if you’re wondering I started to gloooow….roughfly at 10:34 AM”
-“That would match up to when the maa…wait a minute, how do know that exactly”
-“I’m used to thesse kinds of things…. Not me glowing though,that would be silly of me, I meant other kinds of weird stuff”
-“Alright, I need you to come with me”
-“Sure, My shift ends in 3 hours, I’ll be sure to follow you when I’m out”
-“B-But I need you to come with me now, It’s a matter of nacional security.”
Mint Gummy Stopped, turned off the matchine and walked up to the door
-“Why didn’t you say that from the start, Let’s go and Save Equestria!!”
So I’m kinda changing Triumph’s Personality to “Sweet and naive boy who joined the army to please father” and Gummy to “really Kooky but Secretly baddass lady”. also I fried a new coloring tecnique, don’t know if I’ll will do it again (That gemston will haunt me) but it was fun to try.