From Source:
1.) (Princess) Estella Sparkle• Pronouns: She/Her
• Parents: Daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry (who later on becames deceased); Shadow Tempest (Step Mom)
•Siblings: Dawn Light (older brother), Bright Galaxy (Younger half-brother)
•Personality Traits: Social Butterfly, loyal, friendly, lazy, trustworthy, sensitive, lacks self-confidence
•Extra: Disabled Alicorn, she can only fly; her horn bugs out (it’s overwhelmed with magic). Pansexual and secretly likes Lightning Bolt’s gay older brother (Cloudy Contrail)… so that’s not gonna work out. Close friends with, Lightning Bolt, Rocky Road and Valentine.
2.) Lightning Bolt
•Pronouns: They/Them/Their
•Parents: The offspring of Rainbow Dash and Soarin.
•Siblings: Cascade, Cloudy Contrail, (and the triplets), Rouge, Angel and Azure
•Personality Traits: Loyal, flirty, considerate, energetic, tryhard, helpful
•Extra: They use to like Estella, but finger that she wants to stay in the friendzone. They end up crushing on Golden Russet. Called Short Stalk… alot. They like adventures (from being inspired by Daring Do books that their mom immersed them into). Their close friends are, Estella, Golden Russet and Valentine. They’re intimidated by Rocky easily and agitated by the snooty unicorn Solar Flare.
3.) Valentine (A.K.A Strawberry)
•Pronouns: She/Her
•Parents: Fluttershy and Big Mac (Sorry Sugar Belle 😏)
• (No Siblings)
• Personality Traits: Timid, kinky, silly, curious, smart, caring
• Extra: She ironically has a pet allergy though she likes animals. So she takes a liking into reptiles and amphibians (especially snakes). So, Valentine lives in a small hut not to far from her mother’s cabin. She loves to have her half pony half dragon friends over, Jade and Ignatius. Those two both love her compassion because they don’t get much of that from others ponies (other than their parents of course). She also enjoys growing strawberries, that were her favorite fruit growing up.
4.) Rocky Road
• Pronouns: He/Him
•Parents: Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich
•Siblings: (Lil) Cheese Cake (older sister)
•Personality Traits: Pessimistic (in a joking way), sarcastic, witty/humorous, focus, caring, thoughtful, intimating, fragile (he can easily get depressed)
•Extra: When he stress bakes, he can cook up to 50 (to 100) things in an hour, non-stop. He use to like Rosa, but she broke his heart…. (depression 😣). Inspired by the one and only Cupcake (from Lopoddity’s next generation. I love her stories and characters and EVERYTHING)!!
5.) Jade Gemstone
• Pronouns: She/Her
• Parents: Rarity and Spike (accidentally); Gabby (Step mom)
• Siblings: Ignatius Scintilla (Older twin brother by a hour) and Pheonix (Oldest, half-brother)
• Personality Traits: Emo, dark, edgy (basically 🤣 jk), honest, expressive, artistic, encouraging, mature, moralistic
•Extra: She’s a very nice lesbian. She loves Valentine with all of her heart, but her brother kinda stole her heart. Lightning Bolt isn’t the only shorty! She takes intrest in rock polishing, collecting and poetry. She use to have silver like her, but she dyed it black; she wants to be known as Onyx.
6.) Ignatius Scintilla
• Pronouns: He/Him
• Parents: Rarity and Spike (accidentally); Gabby (Step mom)
•Siblings: Jade Gemstone (younger twin sister by a hour), Phoenix (Older half-brother)
• Personality Traits: Though he resembles much of a serious lizard, he can be charming. Chunning, mischievous, spoiled, snazzy, (sometimes) nerdy, self-righteous, protective, loving, stubborn, skeptic
•Extra: Yes, he did win Valentine’s heart. Fire (and only fire) comes from his horn. He use to be friends with Solar Flare (and that’s where he got his impolite personality). Dragonfly (Ember and Thorax’s daughter) messes with him ALOT (she likes him…. but he’s already with another girl).
7.) Golden Russet
• Pronouns: He/Him
• Parents: Applejack and Caramel (divorced); Countess Coloratura (Step mom)
• (No Siblings)
• Personality Traits: Loyal, honest, friendly, thoughtful, hardworking, loud (country), musical, independent, disciplined, watchful, obedient, traditional
• Extra: At first he didn’t want Lightning Bolt’s help, but over time he sucked up to it. He also was unsure about his relationship with them, but he grew to like them more. Other than harvesting and plowing, he likes to write songs and play an acoustic guitar (with hooves 😅). He might be an insomniac.
8.) Solar Flare
• Pronouns: He/Him
• Parents: Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst
• Siblings: Starlit Sky (Older sister)
• Personality Traits: Arrogant (just arrogant!). Curious, spoiled, rude, joshy, insecure, insincere, indecisive, intelligent, compassionate, (sometimes) respectful
Extra: He acts like he does because he wants to become well know, loved and appreciated like his brave sister. She’s the leader of the Mare Warriors (which includes two other strong mares, Athena and Victoria Heart). But instead, he’s shown as self-centered and too pompous for anyone’s appreciation an or friendship. So life is pretty depressing for him. He might have a shy heart towards Athena.