Princess Skysparkle loves her kingdom as a mother loves her children. Prince Endearment is everything she has ever wanted in a child. When she looks at him, she sees a reflection of herself — and not just in his looks.
Skysparkle is 1008 years old. She is the main ruler of the Starpony Kingdom — having ruled since she was 8. Her child is Prince Endearment, who rules alongside her. Endearment is 876 years old. He is nearly as ancient as his mother — yet he remains a kind little boy at heart. Underneath it all, his mother has the heart of a kind little girl.
Skysparkle has given her son just about everything money can buy — but she has never spoiled him. Every step of the way, she has made him show the same generosity that she has shown him. The love she has shown him, she has taught him to share with everyone else. With the millions of gifts she’s given him, he has built his own world of friendship!
Skysparkle is a mother who wants to be our best friend. And Endearment is a big brother who wants to be the same. Prince Endearment is not just her son — he is her best friend!
Starponys: Friends with Unicorn Syndrome / Crowns of Friendship © and ™ of M. Wayne Howell ([email protected]), along with all characters therein.
Drawings by Parcly Taxel.
Slackey Pro © Font Diner – www.fontdiner.com.