Exquisite Attire is probably one of the most feminine of the transformed stallions, even though he is a lot more broad in his physique then he was as a mare, they way he carries himself so delicately is apparent as ever and must be a result of years of working as a model. Even though it was a stressful event, the handsome unicorn showed nothing but class and stayed calm throughout – though he wanted so badly to hide behind his mane and not come out again till he and all his fellow ponies were back to normal.
If he can get a chance to sneak out without being noticed, (which is going to prove difficult when all eyes are on Exquisite even when she doesn’t have a stallion’s body) she will probably sketch up a few designs that sprung to her mind whilst in this form, this mare never stops after all and it will serve as a good distraction till Galaxia and co are able to come up with a solution.
Done by the always impressing :iconrainbowtashie: