Always eager to learn something new, Sparkling Apples could barely contain herself when she was accidentally turned into a colt by way of her little cousin Tommy’s spell.
Though she was overloaded with energy and curiosity she looked over to a certain little yellow bannana with his hooves covering his face, uncontrollable tears flooding out of him as everypony else was galloping around in shock and horror.
She darted over to him and gave him a giant squeeze (even though neither said it it was a little odd to be the wrong way round) and reassured him that it would be okay and that she and Sweet Scooter caused their fair share of trouble when they were younger too and got out of it mostly unscathed and that were valuable lessons to be learned there and all in all they don’t regret anything they did because it made them the ponies they are today.
The young ones were ordered away whilst the grown up ponies try and resolve this mess so Sparkling invited Tommy(Tammy) over to join them but emphasised it had to be a one time thing since these special meetings are for strictly girls only but given the situation they would let it slide in an attempt to try to cheer him up.
Although he just sat at the back, liquid still leaking from his eyes a little it did make him feel better to be involved and that the girls?, were helping to try and take his mind off it.
Done by the awesome :iconrainbowtashie: