Unscheduled post today because I can’t wait to share this kiddo with y’all!
Meet Mint Fudge, a pony that was born between a passionate but rather short-term relationship between Dumbbell and Lightning Dust. Raised by Lightning alone, Minty was pushed to be a great flier like his mother, until he received his cutie mark in ice cream confectionery. Lightning more or less gave up on the idea that her child would end up being just like her and constantly blamed Dumbbell for their son’s “shortcomings”. Mint Fudge constantly felt his mother’s disapproval for his talent, even though it wasn’t as if he chose it to spite her, and became insistent with the idea of rejecting his cutie mark entirely. So instead of making ice cream, Minty pursues what he calls his “true passion”: roller derby racing! He lives for the the fast-paced action, the possibility to brawl in the rink, and the chance to come out a winner. Mint Fudge is almost always wearing his skates, no matter the setting, and looks forward to nothing more than the next race. He is a defensive stallion, ready to square up with anyone who gets on his bad side (which doesn’t take too long) and is always looking to prove himself, even if it comes from the same reckless nature as Lightning Dust.