Name: Olive Laurel
Age: 19
Species: Pegasus, male
Cutiemark: two leaf fronds curling in towards his stomach
Talent: Gardening plants of any kindOlive, or Ollie as he’s more affectionately called, is the awkward, sweet, and MASSIVE son of Fluttershy and Troubleshoes. He may be a bit intimidating at first with his tendency to loom over other ponies, but really, he’s a big (and lazy) softy who more often than not tends to trip over his own massive hooves.
Extra facts:
- Flutters was (and still is) all-natural, and she gave birth to him in her cottage unassisted, despite Ollie being almost a month overdue. He was actually born healthy and without any complications, which is a miracle in itself.
- His wings are effectively useless, and are for the most part just a way to express his attitude towards things, like Scootaloo
- He’s very protective of his siblings and generally has one of his friends keeping an eye on them
- It may not look like it but he is one with the memes
- Kind of dumb, but…. like a sweet dumb you know?
- He’s often mistaken for being a lot older but when he’s confronted in that manner he has a habit of just quietly muttering “but I’m a baby…”Family: Fluttershy (mother), Troubleshoes (father), Rosefinch (sister), Toadstool (brother). Quibble Pants (uncle), Zephyr Breeze (uncle), Daring ‘Do (cousin), Boom Kapow (cousin), Cirrus Shy (maternal grandmother), Stratus Shy (maternal grandfather).