Deleted from Derpibooru https://derpibooru.org/images/2148838
“Oh! Mr. Biceps, that’s the right spot....” A loud crack rang through the air as Bulk Biceps leaned his whole weight into the little mare underneath him.
“Yes! Let me move over a bit so we can-” Lance Virtue got comfortable, her hooves besides her head and she closed her eyes. “Now, please.” She could barely suppress the excitement.
Bulk Biceps put his front hooves on her back and started kneading again as he attempted to get his two other legs on Lance Virtue’s back. “Ohh….oh...so amazing…” The unicorn said in a wispy voice as she groaned, shoulder blades shifting under Bulk Bicep's hooves. “You never disappoint, Sir Biceps.” At the door stood Poetic Justice and Hijack, watching. Judging. Jealous at the spectacular event happening in front of them. Hijack was enthralled while the prince mumbled flatly.
“My sister is going to be crushed again, isn't she?”
“No way, Justine. Your sister is made of pure, hardened muscle. Lance always got these massages.” She hid her smile behind her paws. “She’s not a stringy little filly anymore.”
“I fear we should not be witnessing this.”
“Justine...they’re both adults.”
“Okay I--...what... what are you implying?”
I never knew what to do with Bulk Biceps. I decided he is Lance Virtue’s physical therapist and trainer. The big, white stallion has been relieving Lance’s tense muscles since she became a soldier. Surprisingly, the small mare seems to be able to withhold his intense and borderline terrifying deep tissue massages. Bulk has a massage parlor in Ponyville (which Strawberry, daughter of Applejack and Fluttershy, works at as a summer job) but is commissioned to come into Canterlot once in awhile to whip some soldiers back into shape. He works with Lance mostly in weight training and creating resilient, strong muscles. If you didn’t know Bulk Biceps, you’d think he’s just a boisterous, loud pony...but in reality he taught Lance how to be at peace in her own body and mind.
Lance is very close to his son, Featherweight.
No, Bulks and Lance are not romantically involved - Hijack is kind of a lowkey pervert and just likes saying random shit.
Since her new revision, Hijack no longer really clashes with Poet. They are actually friends now c: Someone who also suffered from magical outbreaks, Poet sympathized with Hijack when they were children. He wants to rule with her one day, but knows she is struggling with internal demons.