Deleted from Derpibooru https://derpibooru.org/images/2144270
Three set of hooves clicked against the tile floor as Poetic Justice lead the earth ponies down the hall. His best friend, Morning Harvest, walked next to him as they talked about the new recipe his family discovered. During the revision of the farm’s floorboards, they found a crate full of old and dusty items like clothes, hair clips and books. Applejack placed the books to the side but Applebloom decided to bring them home. From one of the books an old slip of paper dropped out within the brittle pages and it was discovered that it was a recipe from their great-great-great grandmother Golden Company.
The unicorn smiled at his friend - the gentle giant always seemed to make him feel his own excitement when chatting about his life, no matter how mundane they may seem.
“I would like to try the recipe one day. Is Mrs. Applejack going to make it?”
Morning looked up at the ornate crystal ceiling, thinking. “Hm...I dunno Poet. Mama is still mullin’ it over and I heard her mention that she might let Johnny take a knack at it.” Behind them, the other stallion raised his head and smirked. He was listening to the conversation, of course.
“Yep…” he drawled. “Mama thinks I’m the one who should do the honor. Ya’ll know how badass my food can be.” Johnny took his place next to Poet. The surly stallion winked down at the unicorn. The prince felt the end of his horn prickle. “When was the last time you tried my stuff, Justine?”
“Johnny! Knock it off.” Morning shot his younger brother a look. “We’re not here to see you showin’ off.” Looking at Poet again, the blonde smiled widely. “I’m so happy you decided to show us your dragon egg, Poet! I’ve been wantin’ to see it since I heard you got it.” Ecstatic, Morning let out a giggle.
“Ew and yawn. Dragons are gross. It’s not even gonna be yours, I dunno why you’re excited.”
“Oh shut it, Johnny...some of us appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of other species. This is an aquatic dragon Poet has. Their eggs are notoriously hard to find. They’re as rare as ocean ray pearls, dontcha know?”
His brother rolled his green eyes. Johnny acted like he was not interested in the things Morning was. In reality, he just liked being snarky for snarky sakes. The three finally reached their destination - Twilight Sparkle’s study hall. Johnny hasn’t been in the alicorn’s castle a lot; his mothers forbade their children from joining them anytime something was being discussed. Lame. Not like he ever wanted to explore the halls, see the cool Minotaur weapons they stashed or what missions the mares were going on next...nope.
The tip of Poet’s horn glowed and so did the small lock on the door. It clicked as the prince gently pushed it open. Suddenly there were books of all shapes, colors and sizes surrounding their line of sight. The smell of aged pages wafted up the colts’ noses and Poet inhaled deeply. This was like his second home, this place. He led them to one of the many corners of the vast library. Near the back was a small table with a purple, silk blanket over the center of it. The blanket bulged with something within it. Morning gasped when his friend gently removed the cover. In its place was a blue, oval egg. Patterns swirled around the base and the large colt was in awe.
“Wow.” Was all Morning could say. The three boys sat around it as they looked, each with their own thoughts.
In a hushed voice, Poet said. “Here it is. Please be careful around the egg. I trust you two to be respectful. Including you, Johnny Gold.” The purple unicorn gave the colt a long side-eye. Johnny grinned.
“Aww...how kind of ya, Poet. I am honored that you decided on takin’ me over to your mama’s castle to see this here egg. It’s gorgeous, just like you. You two are a match made in heaven.” At this, the prince rolled his eyes and gently brought the egg closer to his chest as his horn glowed with warm magic. It’s best to ignore Johnny sometimes.
Morning snorted besides him. “Bullcrap, Johnny! Didn’t you say that it was ‘just an egg’?” Narrowing his eyes, he continued. “And stop callin’ Poet gorgeous and all sorts of flirtin’ words. Don’t you have a boyfriend? What’s his name...oh yeah, Bambi.”
“Yes, his name is Bambi, Mornin’ Harvest Shy. And what of it?” Johnny crossed his arms like a prim feline as he glared daggers at his brother. “Can I not tell a stallion or mare that they’re lookin’ good innocently?”
“There’s no tellin’ somepony that they’re “as sexy as a new apple tart out of the oven” bein’ innocent.”
“It’s not my fault that you don’t know how to be charmin’!”
“I-I do! I just know my manners.”
“No fun allowed, amiright Poet?”
The prince gritted his teeth, face flooded with heat as he desperately tried to keep his cool. Sparks flew from his horn. “Enough.” He hissed, the venom barely suppressed. The other boys stared at him. “Johnny Gold, leave your brother alone. I am exhausted just hearing you nag him all the time. I brought you here to show you something today; something I hold very dear. You are disrespecting your brother, and me.” Johnny’s ears went flat. “Now keep your tongue to yourself or get out.”
Johnny pursed his lips and averted his eyes. “I’m mighty sorry, Poet…”
“Do you want to stay, or not? If not, the door is that way.”
“I wanna stay…” The colt smiled sweetly. He did want to be there, of course.
The prince looked at Johnny and his eyes softened a bit. “Thank you. Now. Let me discuss how to keep an aquatic dragon egg at the correct temperature. This egg is not the same as it’s mountain dwelling dragon cousins like Spike or Lord Ember…”
This takes place when the three are in their late teens (hint Poet’s awkward scruff). Johnny Gold used to dislike dragons but little did he know that the tiny one growing inside that egg was going to be one of his greatest friends.
Johnny Gold and Morning Harvest always had a turbulent relationship.The latter is usually calm and soft spoken but whenever his brother says something dumb he has to say something quippy. Poet was tired of their shit and told Johnny to shut the heck up. Poet can get pretty scary when he demands your attention and is not pleased. The prince tries to befriend Johnny as much as he can but shit's hard sometimes.