To me, the Wonderbolts aren’t just a well-established acrobatic team. They are also a part of the Equestrian Air Force, and are among the most prestigous of squadrons. The Wonderbolts Academy is only one of the many Air Force schools many can choose to go to after Basic Training, but it’s also among the most difficult. Only those who have the drive, talent, and will-power will succeed in this school, and only the best of the best will be placed in a Wonderbolt-led unit.
Now, because I do get asked this a lot, I’ll go ahead and answer it here: you do NOT have to be a pegasus (or a pony for that matter) to be in the Air Force. Equestrian technology is advanced enough to allow those without the ability to fly to take to the skies. This comes in the form of Battle Chariots, Gun Carriages, Airships and Zeppelins. I’ll eventually draw designs showing these things off, but for now, let’s get back to the Wonderbolts. Particularly, Spitfire’s squad:
-A top ace flier in the Air Foorce and the Wing Commander of her squard. As she seems to be in the canon show, Spitfire is fierce, courageous, and one hell of a leader. Her name, however, comes from the fact that she does, indeed, have a bit of a temper, but years of being in a commanding position has helped her learn how to control it. That doesn’t mean she does all the time, though.
Of the three, Spitfire has the largest wingspan, and she’s excellent at climbing while flying.
The army service uniform she’s wearing is the one seen from the Wonderbolts Academy episode.
-Considered an ace flier and the second in command of Spitfire’s squad, he acts as her wingmate. As seen in canon, he’s a generally upbeat and laid-back sort of fella who absolutely LOVES pie. He and Spitfire are childhood friends and are “bros-for-life” (one of my top BROTPs), and while they love to playfully flirt with one another, there is nothing romantic between them.
Soarin’s wings aren’t as wide as Spitfire’s but they’re longer. He’s superb at diving.
The armor he’s where is one of them more heavier-fitted armor of the Air Force, a mixture of leather and copper-metal plates and spiked guards.
-Ace Flier and the third pegasus in Spitfire’s squadron, she acts as the second wingmate. She’s a quiet mare that likes to have her actions speak what her words can’t get across. Very laid back and, for the most part, likes to go with the flow, able to take most things in stride. Before joining the military she was a dancer, so she’s very light on her hooves and nimble both on the ground and in air.
Of the three she has the shortest wings, but their powerful and designed for unmatched agility, so she’s able to zip and turn whenever and wherever at the stop of a dime.
Because her design isn’t really seen in canon (aside from in the comic), I kinda added a few things to her design make her look more unique than the generic appearance she’s given. Also, she’s wearing an official Wonderbolt hoodie that only those in the squad can get, with her initials on the shoulder. Her cutie mark is a horse shoe with two wings in the back.
I think of the three, she was my favorite to work with. x3
Sooooooooooooooooooo yeah. That’s all, I think, especially since I’m now tired from staying up late. As always, feel free to ask me any questions, and thanks a bunch for stopping by to take a peak. C: