Name: Apple Fire
Nickname: Fire, Aps Vlame
Parents: AppleJack and Spike
Siblings: AppleHeart
specie: Dragon- earthpony
Gender: Male
Cutiemark meaning: -
Personality: Really strong (a little bit too strong) Kind, spontaneous, Big heart, born cook, carring but dangerous when angry otherwise a softy.
Bio: At a young age Apple Fire has bin a victum of bullying. BUt after all he was and still is verry spontaneous with his friends and Familie. He’s not really good with expressing his feelings and he’s affraid of getting angry and hurting other ponies because of his powerful strength. His sister AppleHeart has always bin on his side. She helped him and teached him to ignore the bullies. Fire and Heart have a good relationship as siblings and as Friends. They always will be there for each other. Fire does look a lot like his Father Spike. He has more Dragon-looks than pony-looks and he behaves more like a dragon. Because of his dragon strength he can’t help his mother and sister with farming the apples, but he’s a real star in the kitchen. He loves too cook and as the year flew by he became really good at cooking
Name: AppleHeart
Nickname: Heart, Api, H (age)
Parents: Applejack and Spike
Siblings: Apple Fire
specie: Dragon- earthpony
Gender: Female
Cutiemark meaning:she is Just like her mother born to b at the farm and harvest appels.
Personality: Really strong, loyal, honest, spontaneous, big heart, bad cook. Born apple farmer but has a fear of commitment.
Bio: AppleHeart has always bin a verry spontaneous dragonpony. At first all the other foals and ponies were affraid of her but she has changed her mind. Bullies tried to pick on her but she didn’t care, she helped her brother alot because he was getting pick on alot. Together they were the best friends and later they befriend Angel as well. Appleheart had teached Angel that being diffrent is not a bad thing and that he is an awesome pony. When she was growning she discovered that she has a fear of commitment. She is good at making friends but when it comes to more than friends she just wants to run away real fast. Her mother is trying to help her with it but its all real hard for her. After all she is verry busy with the Farm. She helps her mother, ant and uncle alot on the farm.
MLP FiM Belongs to Hasbro
Apple Fire and Appleheart Belongs to me!