Page 1210 – Unlucky GuessYeah, you got me, I just wanted an excuse to use that Starlight face.
Ocellus (TS): All magic?? All the magic in the world?!
DM: Sounds like it.
Silverstream (PP): Isn’t that gonna, like, knock everybody back to the stone age? Or at least the… bronze age? Also, I have an unrelated followup question about my fragment of Queen Novo’s pearl…
DM: Oh, there are many, MANY potential repercussions. You’ve actually gotten a taste of the effects yourself. Just yesterday there was a field trip to Cloudsdale.
Gallus (RD): Uh-oh.
DM: And the cloudwalking enchantments fizzled for just a moment. Thankfully there were more fliers present than non, so no creature was seriously hurt. Seriously scared, though. No official statements up to this point have been made, though rumors have been flying around. Someone overheard someone saying “three days.” Many of the junior professors have already taken an indeterminate leave of absence at this point. But this is the first time you’re hearing that the Headmare too has left, and that the rumors are not only true but being investigated seriously.
Sandbar (AJ): Way to maintain op-sec, Cozy Glow.
Gallus (RD): See? Even the NPCs don’t care about it.
Smolder (RT): So basically, while there’s this real crisis going on that requires the attention of all of our adventuring teachers… Cozy Glow has seized the opportunity to take over the school for her own selfish purposes. Our job will be to discover the truth of her nefarious schemes, and either defeat her, or use our friendship lessons to convert her so that the school is saved by the time our teachers return.
DM: And that’s a wrap! We’ll pick up the Discord arc again next week. …Not. But seriously, though.