Trixie: “Another brilliant victory for the Great and Powerful leader of Team Starlight!”
Starlight: “…What exactly makes you the leader of Team Starlight?”
Trixie: “Because whenever the two of us are together, I’m the one that tends to take the most initiative.”
Starlight: “Your ‘initiative’ usually just gets us into trouble!”
Trixie: “You still go along with it every time! Thus making ME a leader.”
Sunburst: “She does have a point…”
Starlight: “I know she does! That’s the scary part!”
Trixie is in fact SO Great and Powerful, that she will be taking over the artist’s notes for this week’s Season 9 Retirement Party! Alas, it is only a mini this week, thank’s to a CERTAIN artist being busy with things that AREN’T basking in my magnificence! (and apparently having trouble figuring out a comic in general) I’m not happy about it, but… I suppose it’s better than nothing.
This week’s comic is, of course, based on Student Counsel, aka: “Team Starlight Gets Lost in the Woods for a While Because Silverstream is Bad at Communicating: the Episode”. Ah, I do love any episode starring me, and the wacky antics I get up to with my BFF Starlight (and her other friends too, I suppose). It’s a nice change of pace from focusing on Twilight Sparkle and her goody-four-shoes friends; Starlight’s group holds a rather unique collection of misfits and weirdos (other than Trixie, of course), and they’re all pretty entertaining in their own right. I LOVE to entertain, after all, and thus feel right at home among them.
But seriously, we have a lot of fun here in these brony-made fan comics, but overall, Trixie would say that Mudbriar isn’t… THAT bad. At least, Trixie understands what Maud sees in him, and the two do tend to play off of each other pretty well (they ARE rather similar, after all). I know several of my fans may find him “annoying” or “intolerable”, but take it from a pony who is used to being seen as “annoying”; we could do MUCH worse, and Trixie admires how passionate he is (…y’know, in his own, weird way…) about what he does.
Hope you all stay Great and Powerful, and remember to make time for what is most important! Despite the fact that Trixie is not in it, she hopes you look forward to the next episode anyway!