Artist’s description from DA:
I’m the last f**king Pony!
All of my kind are dead!
I’ll kill all of you bastards!
Cause that’s all I have left!
I will massacre the masses!
Tear your families apart!
You’ll be slaughtered
Like the filthy f**king cattle that you are!Come with me my feathered friend!
We’ll stick together until the end!
We’ll live out each of our dreams
How I love to hear their screams!——-
Ive been having some trouble with inspiration lately and not really liking what I produce (it’s getting really troublesome) But today I actually got an idea that I thought would be fun to draw. I love seeing different AU’s people come up with so I made one for my own nextgen verse. The major difference is that the the changelings ultimately “won” and manage to practically make the whole pony race extinct (either by killing them or keeping them as tools around the hive). All except Curtain Call who decides to wreak vengence on them all until he ultimately perish. The only ones still alive and kicking are Haywire, Love Letter, Pebble and Noctis.
I don’t know exactly how he got fused with Sombra’s horn, how found the alicorn amulet, nor how exactly he ended up with Flutter’s, Celestia’s and Cadence’s cutiemarks/essence in those little flasks. I’ll let you guys come up with that.
All I know is that he is only interested in killing changelings until his inevitable end.That necklace is made up of changeling horns btw, the shoulderpads are skulls and the skirt thingy are a pair of ripped of changeling wings. What better way to strike fear in your enemies then to wear their parts?
I’m not super into the composition nor the background/lighting in general (havent been feeling that well lately i’m just gonna blame that). So I might just redraw this someday.
I just really wanted to get the idea out there since I thought it was kinda fun.I might draw this Curtain Call again if I feel like drawing mindless action scenes/violence, would probably be kinda fun, but don’t expect that much from this AU
All of it was inspired by this song: None