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Day 2 of the Equestria Winter Games has concluded! It was the day of the Stacking Race and the Foal Ice Curling and Team Cloudsdale came in second in the first Stacking Race, achieved the crowning 1st Place in the early session of the Foal Ice Curling and made it to 2nd Place in the late session!
*Today is the last day of the Equestria Winter Games and for the Grand Finale, the Ice Skating Races in Ponyville/Ponydale will happen, with an early race at 7PM GMT/2PM EST/1PM CST/12PM MST/11AM PST and a late race at 10PM GMT/5PM EST/4PM CST/3PM MST/2PM PST!
After this, the Closing Ceremony of the 1st Equestria Winter Games will be held in the Crystal Empire/Crystal Kingdom Stadium!*
A happy group of cute foals (and adult ponies under an age spell) sitting together before the start of the first Foal Ice Curling.
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