chose to continue the commission series with Maud Pie, inverting the previous one from Pinkie. Maud turns from her typical self into a colorful clown with outlandish costume design. And Boulder is meant to transform into a pink bunny named Fifi. This is how the commissioner describes it:
Day 1:
Maud: Hey Boulder, what do you want to do today?
Boulder: …
Maud: I was thinking exactly that.
Day 2:
Maud: Knock knock
Boulder: ….
Maud: Boo
Boulder: …
Maud: Hey Boulder, why are you crying? Giggles
Stage 3:
Maud: Laughs This is so much fun! I can’t wait to do that surprise party in a few days, right Boulder?
Boulder: ….
Stage 4:
Maud: Hey there, folks! Watch as me and Boulder perform a daring juggling act!
some audience laughing
Stage 5:
Maddie: Perfect! This will really make me clown around. honks
Boulder: ….
Maddie: You know it, Boulder!
Stage 6:
Maddie: Blows into the balloon Almost done, Fifi. After I finish blowing this last balloon my super duper secret project will be complete
Fifi: claps her hands
Audience 1: Man, this girl is so silly
Audience 2: I know.
stage 7:
Maddie: Look at us! We can fly!!!
Fifi: smiles
Maddie: Now come on, Fifi! Let’s head to my sister No Name to cheer her up with a super huge PARTY!!