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haha poor Mirage she is the oldest, and has to watch over the royal children when the Royals have a meeting or ceremony to attend. and foal sitting these kids is no treat they can sometimes be royal pains… (haha get it XD)anyways thought I would upload all my main Royal children, and introduce Prince Orion! he is the son of Princess Luna
Left- Right:
Princess Alma, Prince Cancion, Prince Orion, Princess Harmony, Princess Ruse, and Princess Miragethis is also the first time i show u guys Cancion’s new Design… I hope ya like it :3
I plan to post more of my Princes soon, but i heard u guys enjoy my next gens so just expect to see more k
Alma,Cancion, Orion, Harmony,Ruse, & Mirage Belong to PitterPaint
Art by MeNo copying or stealing
Fan Art is welcomed