I did a vector revamp of this image from long ago: aleximusprime.deviantart.com/a… That is an old classic and even though it was good the way it was, I figured since I’ve been futzing around with my vector puppets lately, I should take this opportunity. These are still the same show-accurate puppets I use for the Ask Accord blog as well as some of the Black Gryph0n fanart I’ve been making lately.For anyone wondering about the context: this is an image of my headcanon for the origins of Discord. Back when Tia and Luna were kids, he was not Discord yet, instead he was an alicorn senator named Accord and he favored harmony and balance over chaos and disorder. Something happens along the way that causes him to become Discord though and you will all see it in my work-in-progress fanfiction, “Age of the Alicorns: Chaos Rising” which you can read here: www.fimfiction.net/story/52310…And be sure to visit the Ask Accord blog which ties in with AotA here: askaccord.tumblr.com/MLPFIM © Hasbro