So what’s for breakfast? I hope it’s hashbrowns!
“Definitely hashbrowns. I love those things! To the kitchen, before Skillet finds out!”
And thus, they were on their way to kitchen.
Clover wants to know why Sunny doesn’t like her.
“Eh… That, I’m not too sure of. But it may have to do with his past. He used to run a little orphanage in Vanhoover well before he became a sea faring pony. He wouldn’t tell me why he left. But he knows his charting, and the ocean better than most, so he’s valuable. If you really wanna know, you’ll have to get on his good side. My suggestion is to bring him candy. Sunny loves chocolate, I believe.”
They arrive in the kitchen, and take a long hashbrown break, where Clover learns that it’s around 6 or 7 AM. She would love to go back to sleep, but after all of this excitement (and the fact that she’s been waking up around this time more often than not), she doubts she could.
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