Clover keeps calm, closing her eyes as she listens intently.
(Dif: -4) (Int: +3) +14 = 13. Success!
Though it’s quiet, Clover can hear the steps of Sabre as he slowly makes his way through the room. His breathing is a little ragged, and definitely not entirely natural. He steps through the kitchen.
“Oh Scarlet, you’re so precious… hiding from me… is this a little game? I love games. Heh… oh, I can’t wait to be with you again!”
Clover chances a look to her right, her eyes widening in shock.
Sabre stands in the shadows, his head hung low as he breathes heavily through his mouth, gliding silently through the room on silent steps. His eyes are lost beneath a thick cloud of unnatural smoke, the filly unable to pierce through this darkness with her eyes.
What kind of sickness is this?! Regardless, Clover readies the bow in her hooves, unsure of what to do next. She doesn’t even know if he can see her.
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