Clover wants to know more about the war, but Silver kinda just waves his hoof at her.
“Eh, to be entirely honest, Equestria doesn’t have a side in it. It’s neutral ground. But by the looks of things, we may be taking one soon. It’s between the Zebras and the nation below that, Whitherwater or something. I don’t stray into those waters, nor do I keep up with political drama much. You’d be better suited asking somepony with a bit more of a brain than me.”
Clover frowns. But it’s so interesting!
“Sorry kiddo. I’ve only been around so long.”
Clover asks if she can learn how to play dice, and what pirates do to pass the time.
“I don’t think I should teach you to gamble… it’s a bad addiction. Maybe tonight I’ll let you play a game or two, but my advice? Never bet anything unless if you want to lose it. And we do other things besides gamble; we drink, we clean, we manage the ship. We even sing shanties when we’re all working. But right now? We’re kinda just laying about; a lot of the hard work has been done. All we have to do now is let the wind carry us.”
She questions if he has any neat treasures stowed away anywhere.
“Actually, I do! I actually have a giant chest buried off shore somewhere. It’s a bit ironic, but it’s for my safekeeping. I trust a bank about as much as I trust Skillet’s cooking decisions.”
Clover then asks if she can practice with her new dagger.
“Well of course! You kinda left your equipment on the deck. For future reference, don’t do that. I think Sunny picked it up. You’ll find him at the helm. I’ll see about getting you a training dummy set up on deck. It’ll definitely help you pass the time!”
Will clover train her Dexterity until supper? She feels she might learn more about her skills if she does so. She might be able to train another skill, if she wishes.
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