Clover mentions she used to help with a small garden patch, and frequently assisted her mom with the veggies.
“Well that’s great! You know exactly where to put Cucumbers then, I take it?” Skillet laughs at her own little joke, “But I get ya. We’ll ruin ALL of the pots, just for you.”
Skillet lets the filly go, and immediately, Clover runs into another hug. This time, with Silverwind. He wraps a strong hoof around her back, holding her close. Yep, Clover is still a snuggly, adorable foal. Had to make sure she wasn’t made of less snuggly matierials, like marshmallows, or kittens.
Clover mentions she’d like to see the rest of the ship; she’s only been in the Captain’s room, the deck, and this little kitchen area. “Well of course! We have the crow’s nest up top (but we wont go there until Sea Shanty and Timbers comes down), the living quarters which we’re kinda in right now, the armory and canons, and of course the cargo hold. We also have the rudder room, and where we keep the anchors and ropes, but that’s kinda boring. And uh… Saber’s temporary room, until he gets over his affliction. That’s off limits, isn’t that right, Skillet?”
“Yep. I’m not going down there again. Send one of the stallions with the slop, ‘kay?”
“You didn’t have to go down there to begin with. You’re the one who insisted ‘he’s nothin’ but a wanker, I’ll handle it’, if I recall.” Silverwind says thoughtfully.
“So! Where to, lil’ one? I think the majority of the crew is either going over the inventory or on the ropes, so there should be plenty of action.”
Silverwind gives an additional explanation of the boat, giving Clover a good mental image of where they are. As an afterthought, Clover gives tide the leftovers. “Oh, wow! Thanks Clover, thanks for giving me the scraps of my own meal, means a lot.” She says with a sarcastic laugh. “Still a bit upset about that. Skillet?”
“Like you need another meal.” She says, rolling her eyes.”
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