Silverwind challenges Clover to a duel!
Clover stands on her hindlegs, holding the Magic Bow in her hoof, ready to act.
She is in perfect health, and well rested. (9/9) (14/14)
Clover knows no spells or abilities
“Alright, now. A Magic Bow will always hit just as hard, but takes Energy to fire. If you don’t have enough Energy to fire your bow, you’ll have to resort to your dagger. Don’t worry too much about being well spaced right now; I’m a Mage, so I wont be charging at you or anything, and I don’t think I’m in the mood for outright blowing you to bits… so I’ll let you test your weapons on me.” Silverwind smiles, dipping his head forward in a combat stance.
Tutorial: There are lots of actions you can do in battle. Clover has two weapons, so you can either attack with your bow, or with your dagger. The bow costs 1 Energy to fire, unlike the dagger which is free to use. Basic attacks consume 1 AP an attack.
Tutorial: For this battle, Silverwind has 36 HP. He will call off the fight if it becomes too intense for him.
Tutorial: Magic Arrows are essentially Magic Missiles. You can aim around corners and other obstructions and always hit.
Clover has 2 Action Points remaining for this round.
“If you can hit me, I’ll teach you a spell you can do with that bow.” Silverwind offers, his horn sparkling. “If.”
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