Clover asks if there’s any ritual for the book, and where to take it.
“All I have to do is willingly give you the book. After that, it’s yours. And on where to take it… well, if normal unicorn magic can’t break it, then maybe one of my friends at port will help you. If only we could walk across the world and toss it into a volcano!” He laughs, being rather clever. It does remind you of an old story, about two midget ponies and a horn ring, or something. Clover thinks she heard her mom talk about it once.
Clover asks if she can hold the book.
“Not yet Kiddo. Right now, we need to get outside and see if you have the talent to use your new weapons!” Silverwind picks up the filly by the scruff of her neck-a habit that she hopes doesn’t become common-and sets her on his back, trotting to the door.
Clover wants to know where she’ll be staying. “I’m a bit iffy on that. I don’t want you to huddle up with the crew, but I’m not too keen on letting you sleep in my room. I uh… may have a sleep walking issue. It started the last time we visited Vanhoover, actually… in fact, something weird may be happening there. I’ll have to think on it. Besides, Vee will know best.”
They reach the fresh sea air, and Clover apologizes for being calling him “Uncle”. “Hey now, you’re gonna have to start calling me that soon. Now hop off, and get in position. I’m gonna be your sparring partner.”
Clover gulps. Sparring?… Hopping off the big Unicorn, she steps across the way, turning to face her mentor.
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