Clover thinks it over, and asks if she can do a little of both. She’d like to be all sneaky and cool, but she thinks magic is amazing, even as an Earth Pony.
“Ah! So you’re thinking of something like a Magic Archer, or maybe a Ranger? There’s certainly benefits to taking on multiple skills, but don’t think you can do it all. How about this; pick between Magic Archer and Ranger. Magic Archers use a spell bow to fire enchanted arrows of all types, and can do all sorts of neat stuff using their weapon as a catalyst.
A Ranger, on the other hand, doesn’t rely so much on magic. Instead, they use it to assist them with nature related spells, like vine traps. Their weapons are more physical, and thus, can break and run out of ammo. Magic Archers have no need for ammo, and can even enchant their weapons.”
He then gave a frown. “But they both have their flaws. Magic Archers are great for short term combat, because they invest all of their energy into destroying their opponent, while Rangers can last longer but at the cost of damage. Rangers have to invest more time into honing their mind AND body, while Magic Archers focus mostly on the mind, while learning to be quicker on their hooves.”
Highwind thinks it over. “And I can you could probably try being an Assassin, but that’s incredibly difficult for somepony so young. It requires the most training to be effective, and doesn’t have many ranged options. Rangers prefer to stay at a medium range, while Magic Archers can specialize in either close or far combat, but middleground is kinda iffy.”
Highwind is still digging around the chest, having tossed a few items to the floor already. “But it’s up to you. How do you want to defend yourself?”
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