Wow who would have thought it would be young Tommy who would hold the secret to Strict’s silence. Always eager to express her opinion and get the last word, this mare turned stallion was absolutely speechless after her transformation. She bowed her head, expression blank and just slowly walked away after what just happened, probably needing to process the events, this girl was definitely not used to all control stripped from right under her hooves, that;s for sure.
She would return a few hours later and give her to bits on how they are to resolve this sticky situation, frustrated that they haven’t made much progress (of course she would think that was attributed to her absence) and soon resorted to her old self when anypony would comment on how this newfound gender suits her quite well, quick to criticise them on not focusing on the matter of hoof.
Voodoo charms however was well aware of what was going on with him(her) however and sent a few raised eyebrows his/her way to which Strict just pouted, even more pronounced now with that great big muzzle.
Seems that this Harshwhinny and Trixie combo does have a weakness or two after all.