It was 12:00 in Ponyville, a bright and sunny day. It was a school day, so only Fluttershy, Discord and the twins were at home. But Fluttershy had to go out to do some errands.
Fluttershy: “I’ll be back in a few hours…are you sure you’re ok with the kids?“
Discord: in a smug tone “Of course I will! The kids are asleep, and if they wake up I’ll take care of it.“
Fluttershy: glaring at him “And remember…no tricks.” she leaves
Discord rolled his eyes and lied down. As much as he loved Fluttershy, he felt a bit pushed by her. He was ready to take a nap, but his thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of crying. He checked on the twins but found them fast asleep.
Discord: goes to check on the twins “Hm…if it isn’t you…who could it be?“
He then found Grace curled up crying under a bush.
Discord: “Oh my, what do we have here?” teleports to her “What’s my little ball of chaos doing out of school?“
Grace: teary eyed “Daddy…it was horrible! T-they called me a freak daddy! Then they threw things at me…I…I….“
Gracie burst out crying more. Not being able to bear his daughter crying, Discord picked her up and went inside.
Discord: “You’re not a freak…you’re just…um, unique!“
Grace dried her tears.
Grace: I don’t wanna go back…can I stay here?“
Discord: “Normally I wouldn’t let you get away with this…but floats up and places her on his head, making her slide down. His head appears where his bottom is maybe this time I will.“
Grace: “Thanks daddy.” she kisses him