Creative Process – Blushing Bride Boy
It took three takes to get this pic done. It was all about centering the drawing so there be enough room on the paper to draw everything else.
In the first one, he was too far on the right side. The positions of his head and right arm were off, hence the arrows. In addition to that, his thighs were a bit to big. Was going to light box it into the second drawing, but I decided it would be better to just redraw it.
The second drawing was a lot better, but it was still off. It was ultimately the pose. He was leaning a bit too far forward, so I needed to lean him back a bit. Instead of redrawing that I decided to light box it into the next drawing. That’s what those tilted construction lines are for. Re-positioning the lineart in the right pose when it gets traced on the paper.
The third drawing, third time’s a charm. I’ll talk about that one in it’s own post and link it here