Something I (at least so I think) created: Deathclaw pony.
They’re like sentient deathclaws:
Peaceful, neutral at least, yet can still shred you if you attack them.
They usually don’t bother anyone, but when it’s ‘that time’, some of them, especially the females, occasionally venture out into the wastes to find themselves a fitting partner for the time being.
This one happened to choose my OC (also in there for size comparison), and is about to take him to her lair.
He heard the stories, but is also quite intrigued on what it’ll be like.
Luckily, they tend to be quite caring in the afterglow, letting one snuggle in their floof and all.
(Big intimidating beasts, but soft at heart.)
Also, they’re still predators.
Although they usually keep to using wildlife (and the occasional raider) for their dietary needs, in case of excessive cravings, they also take unsuspecting wastelanders for a meal.
Despite usually choosing bad guys (they have a sense to smell them out), sometimes they can’t help but having to go with someone innocent.
In those cases, they reform them, though.
And switch their digestion to painless.
Somehow, the whacky wasteland magic gave them that ability as well.
(I know it’s ridiculous, but as if a deathclaw pony isn’t weird enough in and of itself.)
Stories told by those people eventually went around, leading to some actively searching them out for that ‘service’.
They don’t mind it.
Actually, they are quite welcoming of such visitors, as it allows them to get a good meal and keep a low profile.