<sub><sup>Let me explain a little about this…you see, in the G4 series – and in the classic G1 series too – ponies walk around on all fours, and use their hooves as well hooves. Bucking/kicking, pushing things, that sort of action. But in Tales (late G1) and the G3/3.5 movies, ponies were able to hold and manipulate objects in their hooves as though they were hands. So how could this difference come about?</sup></sub>
<sub><sup>Well, one slightly crackpot theory here – human/pony inter-breeding! xD Yep, so that’s why this pic is of Danny Williams making an honest pony of his long-time mare-friend Surprise, after already having had a daughter with her. Don’t ask me, and I promise I won’t tell you how he did it. ;)</sup></sub>
<sub><sup>Their daughter, the little redheaded pony holding the train of Surprise’s rather lovely wedding dress, is named Bomb Shell (as in, a really big surprise). As you can see, she is able to walk on her hind legs (at least for shortish periods) and holding the dress’ train with her hooves…somehow. And in case you wonder, the ceremony is being officiated over by Majesty, the leader of the ponies (I did also consider Megan for the celebrant. but felt a senior pony would be better for the task).</sup></sub>