nobody asked for these but i deliver more next gen contentttt
heres a lil explanation cause I know noone is gonna read this ;w;
after tempests reformation, she took up the position as lunas main Night guard. Because of this, they would spend a lot of time together and luna would let tempest sleep after a particularly rough day. This is how she found out about tempests frequent
nightmares that were a side affect of her PTSD. Tempest was often unable to escape her dreams and would thrash around screaming. Luna would enter her nightmares and see the horrors tempest was facing, and would guide her out of her dream. When
Tempest would wake she would be in a lot of shock and stress and luna became accustomed to soothing the vunerable side of tempest. They grew a strong relationship, each protecting one another in their own ways.
Lokis Training
Allow me to go into more debth about what Loki does. He has the ability to take any abstract dreams or thoughts he or others have and bring them into reality. Wether its a place, object, individual or realm. Because of this, he grew afraid of his power because of the destruction it could bring. Everyone already thought he was a freak, why would he want to make it worse. Luna would observe him whenever the Fluttercord family came to visit and saw how he grew to resent his magic, opting to use mundane methods in everyday life. She aproched him one day and offered to help him control his magic, telling him that itβs better to be in control of what fears you than to let what fears you be in control of you. And thus she helped him with channeling his energy and taught him how to utilise his powers to help others. Luna is very powerful when it comes to protection magic, therefore she is well suited to help Loki if anything should go south.
Nimbus and Loki
As mentioned in Nimbuses bio, they really dislike poor loki. They can get very protective of their moon mother and donβt like that loki has formed such a strong bond with her. Nimbus is a very proud character and isnβt always the best with dealing with any sort of emotions or people for that matter. But they especially hate how that Tall, smart, mysterious draconiquis has snaked his way into their and their mothers lives.
I donβt feel like I need to explain this oneβ¦ I think we all know whats gonna happenβ¦ Tempest is clearly a top guys, you canβt change my mind. Luna is either a switch or a power bottomβ¦ Iβm gonna go repent now ;w;