A lot of people wanted to know what happened to the crusaders in the Bad End AU, so here they are!
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle remain good friends, but they don’t see each other a lot because of work.
Sweetie Belle went to live with Rarity in Canterlot Castle, and began to work with her as a model, this is where she met Cozy Glow, the daughter of two aristocrats that appointed her as a model too. They married when the two were pretty young, and had little Cherub Darling. But due to Cozy manipulative behaviour, they ended up in a divorce. After this Sweetie Belle started a relationship with her close friend Spike, who was still Twilight’s assistant (and helper, he often visited the other mane 6 to deliver them news about Twi, always and only loyal to the one he considers his “mom”) and had Snow Veil, they married when she was 4 (this is why she loves weddings). Cozy Glow married Diamond Tiara and had Harp (sharp) Tone. Cherub adores Snow Veil, since they grew up together, but her relationship with Harp isn’t as good.
Apple Bloom and Silver Spoon became closer as the years went by, even tho Silver only approached her first because the Apple family was becoming one of the wealthiest in Ponyville, but they fell in love. They have two daughters, twins Gold Leaf (left) and Tea Leaf (right). Apple Bloom is a teacher and Silver Spoon is a dessert chef.
Scootaloo stayed with her aunts, and Rainbow Dash visited as frequently as she could. Button Mash discovered his talent with mechanics and so did Scoots. They began dating and had Charge Shot, he has a prosthetic arm made by both of his parents. Button and Scoot work repairing stuff in Ponyville.