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Size: 936x2477 | Tagged: safe, artist:ghostwriter434, derpibooru import, edit, edited screencap, screencap, angel bunny, apple bloom, applejack, babs seed, big macintosh, cozy glow, cranky doodle donkey, daring do, diamond tiara, discord, flam, flim, fluttershy, gallus, garble, granny smith, gummy, lighthoof, maud pie, mudbriar, ocellus, opalescence, owlowiscious, party favor, pinkie pie, prince rutherford, queen chrysalis, rainbow dash, rarity, sandbar, scootaloo, shimmy shake, silver spoon, silverstream, sludge (dragon), smolder, smooze, spike, sunburst, sweetie belle, tank, tempest shadow, terramar, thorax, tree hugger, trouble shoes, twilight sparkle, twilight sparkle (alicorn), winona, yona, ponified, alicorn, breezie, changedling, changeling, changeling queen, draconequus, dragon, earth pony, pegasus, pony, seapony (g4), unicorn, yak, 2 4 6 greaaat, 28 pranks later, a bird in the hoof, a canterlot wedding, a dog and pony show, a flurry of emotions, a friend in deed, a health of information, a hearth's warming tail, a horse shoe-in, a matter of principals, a rockhoof and a hard place, a royal problem, a trivial pursuit, all bottled up, amending fences, apple family reunion, applebuck season, applejack's "day" off, appleoosa's most wanted, baby cakes, bats!, best gift ever, between dark and dawn, bloom and gloom, boast busters, bridle gossip, brotherhooves social, buckball season, call of the cutie, campfire tales, canterlot boutique, castle mane-ia, castle sweet castle, celestial advice, common ground, crusaders of the lost mark, daring don't, daring done?, daring doubt, discordant harmony, do princesses dream of magic sheep, dragon dropped, dragon quest, dragonshy, dungeons and discords, every little thing she does, fake it 'til you make it, fall weather friends, fame and misfortune, family appreciation day, father knows beast, feeling pinkie keen, filli vanilli, flight to the finish, flutter brutter, fluttershy leans in, for whom the sweetie belle toils, forever filly, frenemies (episode), friendship is magic, friendship university, games ponies play, gauntlet of fire, going to seed, grannies gone wild, green isn't your color, griffon the brush off, growing up is hard to do, hard to say anything, hearth's warming eve (episode), hearthbreakers, hearts and hooves day (episode), honest apple, horse play, hurricane fluttershy, inspiration manifestation, it ain't easy being breezies, it isn't the mane thing about you, it's about time, just for sidekicks, keep calm and flutter on, leap of faith, lesson zero, look before you sleep, luna eclipsed, made in manehattan, magic duel, magical mystery cure, make new friends but keep discord, marks and recreation, maud pie (episode), may the best pet win, mmmystery on the friendship express, molt down, newbie dash, no second prances, non-compete clause, not asking for trouble, on your marks, once upon a zeppelin, one bad apple, over a barrel, owl's well that ends well, parental glideance, party of one, party pooped, pinkie apple pie, pinkie pride, ponyville confidential, ppov, princess spike (episode), princess twilight sparkle (episode), putting your hoof down, rainbow falls, rarity investigates, rarity takes manehattan, read it and weep, road to friendship, rock solid friendship, scare master, school daze, school raze, season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4, season 5, season 6, season 7, season 8, season 9, secret of my excess, secrets and pies, shadow play, she talks to angel, she's all yak, simple ways, sisterhooves social, slice of life (episode), somepony to watch over me, sonic rainboom (episode), sounds of silence, sparkle's seven, spice up your life, spike at your service, stare master, stranger than fan fiction, student counsel, suited for success, surf and/or turf, sweet and elite, sweet and smoky, tanks for the memories, testing testing 1-2-3, the beginning of the end, the best night ever, the big mac question, the break up breakdown, the cart before the ponies, the crystal empire, the crystalling, the cutie map, the cutie mark chronicles, the cutie pox, the cutie re-mark, the end in friend, the ending of the end, the fault in our cutie marks, the gift of the maud pie, the hearth's warming club, the hooffields and mccolts, the last laugh, the last problem, the last roundup, the lost treasure of griffonstone, the mane attraction, the maud couple, the mean 6, the mysterious mare do well, the one where pinkie pie knows, the parent map, the perfect pear, the point of no return, the return of harmony, the saddle row review, the show stoppers, the summer sun setback, the super speedy cider squeezy 6000, the ticket master, the times they are a changeling, the washouts (episode), three's a crowd, to change a changeling, to where and back again, too many pinkie pies, top bolt, trade ya, triple threat, twilight time, twilight's kingdom, uncommon bond, uprooted, viva las pegasus, what about discord?, what lies beneath, where the apple lies, winter wrap up, wonderbolts academy, spoiler:s08, spoiler:s09, cutie mark crusaders, equestria games, female, flim flam brothers, king thorax, male, mane seven, mane six, op has an opinion, opinion, pony yona, power ponies, seaponified, seapony apple bloom, seapony scootaloo, seapony sweetie belle, seapony twilight, species swap, student six, the last crusade (episode), tiermaker, unicorn twilight, wall of tags, winged spike
safe2370075 artist:ghostwriter4344 derpibooru import2784659 edit181656 edited screencap87299 screencap298252 angel bunny11891 apple bloom68068 applejack219391 babs seed7074 big macintosh37586 cozy glow11413 cranky doodle donkey1248 daring do7691 diamond tiara13645 discord40735 flam2643 flim2768 fluttershy283432 gallus9814 garble2305 granny smith6536 gummy5918 lighthoof751 maud pie16469 mudbriar1074 ocellus7320 opalescence2492 owlowiscious2334 party favor1845 pinkie pie280343 prince rutherford905 queen chrysalis46435 rainbow dash306505 rarity238357 sandbar7310 scootaloo66731 shimmy shake792 silver spoon8994 silverstream8375 sludge (dragon)390 smolder12534 smooze938 spike100863 sunburst9923 sweetie belle64068 tank3409 tempest shadow20293 terramar1032 thorax5912 tree hugger3840 trouble shoes1518 twilight sparkle394539 twilight sparkle (alicorn)156030 winona2970 yona6795 ponified54806 alicorn329675 breezie2985 changedling11998 changeling67951 changeling queen20122 draconequus19198 dragon85078 earth pony427921 pegasus490113 pony1497731 seapony (g4)7255 unicorn527905 yak6081 2 4 6 greaaat1566 28 pranks later1142 a bird in the hoof889 a canterlot wedding3601 a dog and pony show765 a flurry of emotions1380 a friend in deed923 a health of information611 a hearth's warming tail1731 a horse shoe-in1501 a matter of principals1261 a rockhoof and a hard place888 a royal problem2478 a trivial pursuit1330 all bottled up1675 amending fences1459 apple family reunion1203 applebuck season1067 applejack's "day" off649 appleoosa's most wanted857 baby cakes789 bats!1938 best gift ever2696 between dark and dawn2015 bloom and gloom1134 boast busters1333 bridle gossip957 brotherhooves social599 buckball season938 call of the cutie849 campfire tales857 canterlot boutique1167 castle mane-ia1007 castle sweet castle1493 celestial advice1293 common ground1149 crusaders of the lost mark1855 daring don't1189 daring done?1083 daring doubt928 discordant harmony957 do princesses dream of magic sheep1433 dragon dropped1323 dragon quest1089 dragonshy1138 dungeons and discords907 every little thing she does1091 fake it 'til you make it1234 fall weather friends909 fame and misfortune1238 family appreciation day633 father knows beast1009 feeling pinkie keen1041 filli vanilli1364 flight to the finish974 flutter brutter1288 fluttershy leans in506 for whom the sweetie belle toils1012 forever filly621 frenemies (episode)1810 friendship is magic4756 friendship university858 games ponies play1215 gauntlet of fire1596 going to seed796 grannies gone wild953 green isn't your color1072 griffon the brush off932 growing up is hard to do1606 hard to say anything931 hearth's warming eve (episode)775 hearthbreakers1358 hearts and hooves day (episode)861 honest apple846 horse play1103 hurricane fluttershy1203 inspiration manifestation958 it ain't easy being breezies1005 it isn't the mane thing about you1355 it's about time916 just for sidekicks1067 keep calm and flutter on1221 leap of faith764 lesson zero1805 look before you sleep1049 luna eclipsed1836 made in manehattan820 magic duel2460 magical mystery cure2845 make new friends but keep discord2414 marks and recreation816 maud pie (episode)1408 may the best pet win953 mmmystery on the friendship express794 molt down1055 newbie dash1221 no second prances2145 non-compete clause880 not asking for trouble605 on your marks1052 once upon a zeppelin979 one bad apple1549 over a barrel930 owl's well that ends well525 parental glideance1317 party of one1353 party pooped912 pinkie apple pie1125 pinkie pride1690 ponyville confidential1107 ppov1028 princess spike (episode)800 princess twilight sparkle (episode)3075 putting your hoof down908 rainbow falls1775 rarity investigates1343 rarity takes manehattan1565 read it and weep803 road to friendship1752 rock solid friendship1418 scare master1130 school daze3248 school raze2666 season 12674 season 21927 season 31182 season 43171 season 51816 season 61317 season 71344 season 81882 season 91916 secret of my excess891 secrets and pies924 shadow play1520 she talks to angel890 she's all yak1334 simple ways1476 sisterhooves social818 slice of life (episode)2124 somepony to watch over me947 sonic rainboom (episode)1301 sounds of silence3644 sparkle's seven1852 spice up your life1175 spike at your service1175 stare master809 stranger than fan fiction1170 student counsel1387 suited for success1056 surf and/or turf936 sweet and elite1047 sweet and smoky1110 tanks for the memories1655 testing testing 1-2-31591 the beginning of the end2549 the best night ever1763 the big mac question1177 the break up breakdown837 the cart before the ponies952 the crystal empire3160 the crystalling2472 the cutie map4499 the cutie mark chronicles1156 the cutie pox735 the cutie re-mark3685 the end in friend1258 the ending of the end3909 the fault in our cutie marks1182 the gift of the maud pie1065 the hearth's warming club1073 the hooffields and mccolts675 the last laugh967 the last problem8551 the last roundup1274 the lost treasure of griffonstone1244 the mane attraction1379 the maud couple886 the mean 62010 the mysterious mare do well807 the one where pinkie pie knows964 the parent map1192 the perfect pear1650 the point of no return1075 the return of harmony2222 the saddle row review1615 the show stoppers680 the summer sun setback1230 the super speedy cider squeezy 6000964 the ticket master1239 the times they are a changeling1056 the washouts (episode)1257 three's a crowd1495 to change a changeling879 to where and back again3140 too many pinkie pies2082 top bolt988 trade ya1028 triple threat1161 twilight time986 twilight's kingdom3663 uncommon bond905 uprooted1293 viva las pegasus770 what about discord?829 what lies beneath1887 where the apple lies591 winter wrap up1396 wonderbolts academy1609 spoiler:s082075 spoiler:s092215 cutie mark crusaders24450 equestria games467 female1532628 flim flam brothers1579 king thorax3687 male529111 mane seven7799 mane six40645 op has an opinion86 opinion436 pony yona127 power ponies3470 seaponified3494 seapony apple bloom126 seapony scootaloo231 seapony sweetie belle126 seapony twilight523 species swap28987 student six2163 the last crusade (episode)7 tiermaker23 unicorn twilight26952 wall of tags5765 winged spike10027