From the day he met his real father, and later his half-brother, Dusk Star was thrilled to soon introduce them to his own children. It wasn’t until after the holidays when all of them were finally able to find time to meet up, but Dusk was thankful to have a good few days to spend with his new family.
On the way over to his father’s house, Dusk frantically fretted over his family, making sure everything was in place.
“Jeez babe, don’t get too excited,” Firework joked as Dusk wiped a fleck of dried soda off his face.
“I just really want this to go well,” Dusk explained. “I want everyone to make a good first impression and like each other, it has to be perfect.”
“And it will. Chill man, you said yourself your pops are great guys,” Firework assured him. “We’ll get along great.”
Dusk gave a soft smile. “Of course. Everything will be fine. I should have nothing to worry about.”
The family found themselves at Silver Script and Star Bright’s house in no time.
“Is that grandpop’s house?” Moonbow asked.
“Yes it is,” Dusk grinned. “We’ll be meeting both of your grandpas and your uncle. Trust me, you will love them.”
With that, Dusk cheerfully knocked on the door and was soon met with the smiling face of the stallion he now called-
“Son! Come in!” Silver Script opened the door wider.
“Welcome!” His husband, Star Bright, came to greet them. “Is this Moonbow and Orange Soda? And Firework? We’ve heard so much about you!” He leaned in to hug each of them.
“Gilly!” Silver called into the living room, where his younger son could be seen reading a book by himself. “Dusk is here!”
“Father, don’t call me that,” Gilded scowled, though he quickly put on a pleasant smile as he came out to greet his brother. “Hello, Dusk. It’s nice to see you again.”
“It’s wonderful to see you too!” Dusk grinned. “I’m so glad we could find a time for all of us to meet up.”
Gilded nodded. “Likewise.”
“I should introduce you to my family! I’ve told you about Moonbow, and Orange Soda, and my husband Firework.
“Hello, Uncle Gilded! I made something for you!” Moonbow presented him with a messy, but colorful art project, beaming hopefully. “What do you think?”
Gilded looked over it critically. “It is an absolute eyesore. But original, I suppose.”
“An eyesore?”
“Why don’t you put it in the living room for now?” Dusk tried to divert her. He turned to his brother. “Would you like to hold the baby instead?”
“Frankly, I-“
Before he could protest, Orange Soda was thrust into his forelegs. Gilded stared down apprehensively at the baby, holding him awkwardly until he started to wail.
As Dusk watched the scene unfold, he found his worst fears coming true. Instead of the perfect family gathering he’d hoped for, this was a disaster. His kids weren’t getting along with their uncle at all. How could he possibly fix this?
“Poppa?” Moonbow approached him, whispering, “I don’t like him.”
Dusk buried his face in his hooves in defeat. “Oh dear…”