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Second lineart for a DA request for YangIsCool
He wants a Kinky Revenge sequel. A follow up to Forced Brides 2 AJ and Fluttershy take kinky revenge out on a bound and gagged Gladmane.
Second time all three drawings together, and it looks far better with the redrawn Gladmane. Gladmane was redrawn at larger 1 5/8” proportions, over AJ and Flutters 1 3/8” proportions. Before that Gladmane was drawn with the proportions as the other two, and looked very small. That would be the first lineart posted as a scrap. And I did have to alter Fluttershy’s pose, which was just a lightbox of her legs in the new pose on top of Gladmane. Now that the artwork is finally done, I can start on coloring this.